Tijdschrift voor Agrarisch Recht 2016 nr. 2

Rural Development in the United States: Some Federal Programs

prof. dr. Margaret Rosso Grossman1

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In the United States, a majority of land is rural -- farms, forests, small communities, rural homes, recreational areas, and other rural amenities. Farmers and other rural residents enjoy the same constitutional rights and protections as other citizens; they are subject to federal and state statutes and regulations and local ordinances. Common law principles, established in court decisions, apply. Rural areas are also the subject of special legislation, often designed to encourage economic development, enhance the quality of rural life, and protect environmental resources, including agricultural land. This Article discusses some measures for rural development in federal agricultural legislation, focusing on programs with analogies to EU legislation.

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Verder in dit artikel:

2. Background

2.1. US Agricultural Legislation

2.2. Rural Development

2.3. Rural and Agricultural Land in the United States

3. Conservation Programs for Rural Areas

3.1. Conservation Compliance

3.2. Conservation Incentives

4. Support for Specialized Producers

4.1. Organic Agriculture

4.2. Local and Regional Foods

4.3. Value-Added Agricultural Products

5. Statutory Preferences for Producers

5.1. Beginning Farmers

5.2. Women Farmers

6. Conclusion

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Artikel informatie

prof. dr. Margaret Rosso Grossman1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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