Tijdschrift voor Agrarisch Recht 2017 nr. 10

Recent Developments in Rural Law in the United States

Terence J. Centner and Margaret Rosso Grossman1

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As the world’s population increases, and disruptive droughts and floods adversely affect human activities, food production will become increasingly critical. New food products of biotechnology must be assessed to ensure that they present no dangers to health or the environment. Livestock production practices remain controversial in light of animal welfare concerns and potential health effects of meat and other livestock products. Application of insecticides and herbicides raises concerns about human health and the environment. Consumers have demanded regulatory action to ensure the safety of other food ingredients. In the United States, as in Europe, new statues and regulations help to ensure continued food safety, in light of scientific, technological, and social developments.

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. New Technologies

1.1. GE Fish

1.2. GE Arctic Apples

1.3. Federal Labeling of Bioengineered Foods

1.4. Modernizing the US Regulatory System for GE Crops

1.5. Theft of Trade Secrets

2. Livestock Farming

2.1. Country of Origin Labeling

2.2. Veterinary Feed Directive

2.3. Marketing Claims for Production without Hormones and Beta Agonists

2.4. Production Standards for Certified Organic Livestock and Poultry

2.5. Protection of Egg-Laying Hens: California Statutes

3. Food and the Environment

3.1. Insecticide Application and Bees

3.2. The Use of Glyphosate

4. Food Safety

4.1. Generally Recognized as Safe

4.2. FDA Ban on Industrially-Produced Trans Fat

5. Conclusion

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Artikel informatie

Terence J. Centner and Margaret Rosso Grossman1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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