A priceless opportunity: class actions post-Merricks v Mastercard
R.P. Mulheron1In 2015, the United Kingdom Parliament enacted an opt-out class action for competition lawgrievances. The second class action filed under that regime, Merricks v Mastercard Inc, is a uniqueand vast case, involving most of the adult population of the UK over the 16-year class action period. Itwas appealed to the UK Supreme Court on two issues: the evidentiary threshold necessary to establishan aggregation of damages across the 46 million class members; and whether the compensationpayable to each class member has to match the actual loss suffered. Finding in favour of the representativeclaimant on both issues, the Supreme Court has provided both valuable guidance on pointsof statutory interpretation, and supportive endorsement of the concept of opt-out class actions moregenerally.
1. Introduction
To open with a question for readers: do you fall within the following description?
Individuals who, between 22 May 1992 and 21 June 2008, purch...
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