Complex mass claims: insights from judges across Europe
J.M. Niemczyk en A. Gayibli1Machteld de Monchy and Till Schreiber in debate with judges Peter Roth (High Court of England and Wales, UK Competition Appeal Tribunal), Mieke Dudok van Heel (District Court of Amsterdam, Netherlands Commercial Court), Fabian Reuschle (Stuttgart Regional Court) and Maria Arantzazu Ortiz González (Appeal Court of Mallorca).
The number of mass claim proceedings has grown quickly over the last few years. Although one often focusses on the material complexity of these proceedings, also the practical issues are increasingly challenging: multiple claimants and jurisdictions, parallel actions and timelines, and lengthy legal and economic submissions. Resolving all issues that arise can easily take years, which requires commitment and dedication from both parties and judges. While parties are often represented by a team of professional lawyers, judges are in most instances assisted by only one clerk. How do these judges navigate such complex multi-party litigation? Four promine...
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