Tort liability of Volkswagen in the emissions 1
A. Stadler2Case note: BGH VI ZR 252/19 - 25 May 2020, ECLI:DE:BGH:2020:250520UVIZR252 .19.0
1. Legal Framework
In May 2020, four and a half years after the Volkswagen emissions scandal became public in September 2015, the Bundesgerichtshof ('BGH'), the highest German civil court rendered its landmark decision on Volkswagen AG's tort liability.3 This judgment had been long awaited by lower courts, parties and the media. After the first claims of diesel car owners had been filed in German courts a very heterogeneous case law developed. It was far from clear whether Volkswagen was liable for the harm caused to 2.4 million purchasers and lessees of vehicles with EA189 engines. Liability could be based only on Sec. 826 German Civil Code. Pursuant to Sec. 826 BGB, a person who intentionally causes damage to another person in an immoral manner is liable to pay damages. The reason why Sec. 826 German Civil Code served as a basis...
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