Tijdschrift voor Levensmiddelenrecht 2024 nr. 4

Summary of European food law and policy in the year of change 2024

Jens Karsten1

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As the European Union's political cycle (2019-2024) comes to an end, it is appropriate to take stock of the ambitions of EU legislator for the past and the coming political season. The European Green Deal and the Farm-to-Fork-Strategy outlined a bold programme for regulatory reform, aiming to put the European Union's food sector on the path towards a green and digital transition and to promote the resilience of the internal market and security of supply. The overview provided by this paper sets out to provide some help in following the various strands of EU food policy and its degree of implementation.

1. Stocktaking

The 2019-2024 legislative period of the European Union has ended. The EU institutions, appointed in 2019, are on their political home stretch. Elections to the 10th European Parliament were held in June 2024; new appointments to the College of Commissioners are scheduled for the autumn 2024. It seems appropriate to attempt a su...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Stocktaking

2. Trends 1993-2023

3. Planning

4. Realisation

4.1. Food information law

4.2. Greenwashing

4.3. New breeding techniques

4.4. Legal framework for sustainable food systems

5. Principles of corporate governance for food business operators

6. Novel foods

7. "Transition pathways"

8. Policy continuity or discontinuity 2024

9. Outlook

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Artikel informatie

Jens Karsten1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:

EU food law, Food policy 2019-2024, Food policy 2024 onwards, Internal market for foodstuffs, Food innovation

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