Mass Claims An international journal with a European focus 2024 nr. 2

Country Reports

France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal




Maria-Jose Azar-Baud


In 2020, as part of the fact-finding panel of the General Administration, Legislation and Constitutional Law Committee of the French National Assembly, Laurence Vichnievsky and Philippe Gosselin reported that there had been only 20 collective actions under consumer law since their introduction into French law. It was against this backdrop that, in 2022, they prepared legislative proposals that would significantly widen the scope of collective actions and streamline the group action types into a single framework. A bill proposed on 15 December 2022 was intended to comprehensively reform and, crucially, simplify the collective action system. The proposed bill contained important modifications to national law and aimed to improve access to collective actions in France, in light of the low number of act...

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France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal






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Case law


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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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 Country Reports

France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal   France   Maria-Jose Azar-Baud  Legislation In 2020, as part of the fact-finding panel of the General Administration, Legi...