Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht 2014 nr. 5

Opinie - The free market of cyber attacks

Marietje Schaake*

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From celebrities´ nude pictures, to banking or other sensitive information, not a day goes by without reports of cyber attacks or security breaches. Both governments and companies have a stake in ensuring their infrastructure and services are secured; or at least that is what you would expect. 


On the contrary however, companies and governments alike fuel a free market that undermines the security of internet users and their information worldwide. Small holes in popular software like internet browsers or other software used by hundreds of millions of people every day, is turned into a backdoor entrance by criminal organizations and governments alike.


Zero-day exploits are a vulnerability in software that can be used to get unauthorized access to people´s devices. Like a small hole in a net, or like a secret key to a door, a zero-day exploit exists as long as no patch has been designed to cover the crack. The name ´zero-day´ refers to the fact that the ...

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Marietje Schaake*
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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