Tijdschrift voor Sanctierecht & Onderneming Straf- en bestuursrechtelijke handhaving van financieel-economisch recht 2015 nr. 2/3

Out-of-court criminal dispute resolution in the Netherlands, Belgium and the U.S.

mr. drs. M.J. Blotwijk en M. Fernandez-Bertier LLM1

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Criminal proceedings take long and are expensive – especially when targeting white-collar offences. In times of budgetary constraints, states must allocate their judicial resources efficiently. Hence both the U.S. and European countries have incorporated alternative criminal dispute resolution mechanisms to avoid that each and every case reaches the trial court or – alternatively – that all criminal cases be tried ‘in full’. This article compares out-of-court criminal dispute resolution in the Netherlands, Belgium and the U.S. In Europe, the American non/deferred prosecution agreements remain little known. By contrast, the U.S. ‘plea bargaining’ is much frowned upon. It is characterized as ‘bargaining with the truth’ and fostering class justice. Some critical remarks can also be made as regards the instruments used in the Netherlands and Belgium to resolve criminal disputes out of court. The article disc...

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1. Inleiding

2. Criminal transactions and Penal Orders in the Netherlands

2.1. Criminal Transactions

2.2. Penal Orders

3. Criminal Transactions in Belgium

3.1. Criminal Transactions

4. Deferred/Non-Prosecution Agreements and Plea Bargaining in the USA

4.1. Non-Prosecution and Deferred Prosecution Agreements

4.2. Plea Bargaining

5. Concluding remarks

5.1. The evolution of criminal transactions

5.2. The introduction of plea bargaining

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mr. drs. M.J. Blotwijk en M. Fernandez-Bertier LLM1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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