30. EHRM 2 februari 3026 (MTE en Index.hu/Hongarije), zaaknr. 22947/13 (IR 2016/30)
Onder redactie van Tina van der Linden – Smit en Kea Kroeks – de RaaijArtikel kopen € 79,00 excl. BTW
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Positie tussenpersonen, nieuwssite, Delfi-arrest, user generated content, aansprakelijkheid voor comments van derden, vrijheid van meningsuiting, low register of style
Aansprakelijkheid van nieuwssite voor comments van derden.
Although offensive and vulgar, the incriminated comments did not constitute clearly unlawful speech; and they certainly did not amount to hate speech or incitement to violence. Furthermore, while the second applicant is the owner of a large media outlet which must be regarded as having economic interests, the first applicant is a non-profit self-regulatory association of Internet service providers, with no known such interests.
As regards the context of the comments, the Court notes that the underlying article concerned the business practice of two large real estate websites, which was deemed misleading and injurious to their clients, thus there was a public interest in ensuring an informed public debate ov...
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