Mass Claims 2024 nr. 1

Navigating Current Issues and Future of Collective Redress:

Justyna M. Niemczyk1

Key Takeaways from the 2024 Global Class Actions and Mass Tort Conference

On 23 and 24 May 2024, the Perfect Law Global Class Actions and Mass Tort Conference took place in London. This year's conference attracted a diverse group of practitioners, judges, economists and litigation funders from Europe, North America and Australia. Over two days, attendees could choose from 18 panel sessions covering topics such as certification conditions and the restriction of collective actions through contractual clauses. This report discusses takeaways from several particularly interesting sessions relating to the collective litigation landscape in Europe, settlements, and data protection mass claims.


1. European Collective Redress Landscape

While North America and Australia have long-established collective redress systems, most European countries are still in the process of developing their class action frameworks. The UK is often...

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Key Takeaways from the 2024 Global Class Actions and Mass Tort Conference

1. European Collective Redress Landscape

2. Certification Requirements  

3. Refining Settlements

4. Privacy Class Actions and Quantification of Alleged Damages

5. Conclusion

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Justyna M. Niemczyk1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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