Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht 2017 nr. 3

Tipping the scale: on the EU attempts to strengthen the right to data protection online

M.E. Jozwiak (LL.M)1

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In its judgement in Google Spain2 the CJEU famously stated that the rights to data protection and privacy override as a rule the right of the public in accessing given information, embedded in the right to freedom of expression.3 What is more, the Court ruled that the right to have certain search results removed from the Google listings could be claimed irrespective of whether the data subject suffered any harm as a result of such processing. Many commentators feared that in the wake of the judgment Google will start a massive censoring operation leading to obscuring certain publicly relevant information, at the cost of the internet users. And yet, out of 724,269 removal requests filed with Google, roughly 43% were granted.4 While these numbers are on themselves not very telling, the one thing they do indicate to is that Google does not approach the obligation to balance right in only perfunctory manner.

In this short comment, I will try t...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. The nature of the conflict

2. The incentives

3. The new rules under the GDPR

4. Conclusion

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Artikel informatie

M.E. Jozwiak (LL.M)1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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