Tijdschrift voor Curatoren 2018 nr. 1

Powers of the Insolvency Practitioner under the New EU Insolvency Regulation

prof. em. B. Wessels1

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1. Introduction

In a previous contribution to this law review2 I have given a short introduction to the EU Insolvency Regulation (EIR 2015), that applies since 26 June 2017.3 This time I will focus on the powers of the insolvency practitioner (IP), especially those powers which he or she can exercise outside the jurisdiction of the courts which have appointed the IP. Article 21 EIR 2015 acknowledges the general authority of the main insolvency practitioner to exercise his powers in other Member States. Subsequently Article 22 EIR 2015 comprises a rule relating to the proof of his appointment.

2. Acting in other Member States on the basis of domestic law

In principle the insolvency practitioner, appointed by a court which has jurisdiction pursuant to Article 3(1) EIR 2015, has the authority to exercise all the powers conferred on him by the lex concursus in other Member States. Lex concursus is the ...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Introduction

2. Acting in other Member States on the basis of domestic law

3. Acting in other Member States on the basis of the Insolvency Regulation

4. Dominance of main insolvency proceedings: which specific powers?

5. Final remarks

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prof. em. B. Wessels1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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