Tijdschrift voor Sanctierecht & Onderneming Straf- en bestuursrechtelijke handhaving van financieel-economisch recht 2018 nr. 2/3

Understanding the Corporate Criminal Landscape in the United States

Matthew T. Reinhard and Katherine E. Pappas1

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The United States has one of the most established records of any industrialized nation investigating and criminally prosecuting corporate actors. In recent years, U.S. enforcement officials have increasingly cooperated with their counterparts in cross-border investigations of corporate actors, which cooperation has resulted in record setting monetary penalties across multiple jurisdictions. Recent public statements by the U.S. Department of Justice (‘DOJ’) confirm that the United States is committed to continuing such cross-border cooperation amongst law enforcement agencies, and that corporate actors can expect the United States to continue to work in concert with multiple jurisdictions to investigate and prosecute corporate wrongdoing. In light of this, it is critical that corporate actors (particularly those based outside the United States) understand the history and landscape of corporate prosecutions so as to be able to position themselves for the best possible result in the...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. History of Criminal Liability for Corporate ‘Persons’ in the United States

1.1. Respondeat Superior

1.2. Collective corporate knowledge

1.3. The ebb and flow of corporate prosecutions

2. Modern Corporate Criminal Prosecution

2.1. Landscape

2.2. Resolution of Corporate Criminal Investigations

3. Double Jeopardy, Non bis in idem, and Multinational Settlements

3.1. Dual Sovereignty

3.2. Global Settlements

4. Conclusion

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Matthew T. Reinhard and Katherine E. Pappas1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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