Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2018 nr. 10


mr. P. Deza de Massiac, mr. D.N.I. Gjaltema, mr. L. Hillen, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. T.A. Waterbolk

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Wet- en regelgeving nationaal

Ministerie van Financiën

Verslag voorstel EU-verordening Sovereign Bond Backed Securities

Op 22 augustus 2018 heeft de voorzitter van de commissie voor Financiën het verslag van het schriftelijk overleg over het Fiche: Verordening over sovereign bond-backed securities (SBBS) van 21 augustus aan de Tweede Kamer gezonden. In het verslag beantwoordt de Minister van Financiën onder meer vragen over de doelstellingen van SBBS en de verschillen daarvan met Eurobonds. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op de verhouding tot bestaande regelgeving, de Nederlandse inzet en de verhouding tot het Europese speelveld. Het voorstel voor de verordening is op 24 mei 2018 vastgesteld door de Europese Commissie en voorgelegd aan de Europese Raad.

Verslag plenaire vergadering Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Op 24 augustus 2018 heeft de Minister van Financiën het verslag van de plenaire vergadering van de FATF van 27, 28 en 29 juni 2018 aan...

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Verder in dit artikel:

Wet- en regelgeving nationaal

Ministerie van Financiën

Verslag voorstel EU-verordening Sovereign Bond Backed Securities

Verslag plenaire vergadering Financial Action Task Force (FATF)

Wetsvoorstel wijziging Faillissementswet met betrekking tot de rechten en verplichtingen inzake deelname aan betalings- en effectenafwikkelsystemen in derde-landen

Wetsvoorstel wijziging Wft ivm het gebruik van het burgerservicenummer bij de uitvoering van het depositogarantiestelsel

Consultatie regeling nationaal regime MiFID II

Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid

Overig Nationaal

Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)

Leidraad tweede pijler pensioenadvisering

Communicatie clearing- en handelsverplichtingen pensioenfondsen

Transparantieverplichtingen met betrekking tot de Richtlijn betaalrekeningen

De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)

Nieuwsbrief Pensioenen

Nieuwsbrief Verzekeren

Nieuwsbrief Banken

Nieuwsbrief Trustkantoren

Nieuwsbrief Betaalinstellingen



Tweede Kamer

Amendementen voorstel Implementatiewet PSD2

European developments


Delegated and implementing regulations updating EU Blocking Statute in light of US sanctions against Iran

Implementing regulations under the Benchmarks Regulation

Delegated regulation under the fourth anti-money laundering directive

European Commission (EC)

EC intends to endorse revised RTS concerning transparency requirements for trading venues and investment firms

EC adopts proposal to add Pakistan to the list of high-risk third countries

European Parliament (EP)

ECON publishes draft report on proposed regulation of European crowdfunding service providers

ECON publishes draft report on the EC's proposals to amend CRR

ECON briefing Level 2 measures under the new Securitisation framework

ECON adopts report on the proposal for creating a pan-European personal pension product

Other European Developments

European Banking Authority (EBA)

EBA publishes comments and replies to draft Guidelines on the RTS on SCA & CSC

EBA launches three consultations relating to supervisory reporting under CRR

EBA speech on EBA's role in the implementation of the new EU securitisation framework

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

ESMA updates transitional transparency calculations for equity derivatives, equity and equity-like instruments

ESMA updates its public register with double volume cap (DVC) data under MiFID II

ESMA responds to questions raised by EIOPA on the interpretation of AIFMD

ESMA publishes updated statement on clearing and trading obligations for pension scheme arrangements

ESMA makes new bond liquidity data available

ESMA publishes updates of list of authorised CCPs and third-country CCPs

ESMA updates EMIR validation rules

ESMA publishes final draft RTS and ITS on disclosure under the Securitisation Regulation

ESMA agrees to prohibit binary options and restrict contracts for differences to protect retail investors

ESMA updates list with links to national websites explaining notification procedures of net short positions

ESMA speech on Level 2 measures under the EU Securitisation Regulation

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

EIOPA joins the Sustainable Insurance Forum

EIOPA publishes updated Q&As on Solvency II Delegated Regulation

European Central Bank (ECB)

ECB publishes Services Procurement Guidelines for TIBER-EU Framework

ECB consults on amending the Money Market Statistical Reporting Regulation

ECB updates list of significant supervised entities and less significant institutions

ECB publishes amending guideline on TARGET2

ECB publishes opinion on the proposal to create a European covered bonds framework

ECB publishes opinion on proposal for regulation on the prudential treatment of investment firms

ECB publishes opinion on proposed regulation on cross-border payment and currency conversion charges

International developments

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee)

Basel Committee publishes technical amendment on regulatory treatment of accounting provisions

Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

CPMI and IOSCO publish consultative report on governance arrangements for critical OTC derivatives data elements

Financial Stability Board (FSB)

Consultation paper on incentives to centrally clear OTC derivatives

Second report on central clearing interdependencies

FSB launches thematic peer review on the implementation of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)

Global Foreign Exchange Committee (GFXC)

GFXC publishes review and updated FX Global Code

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mr. P. Deza de Massiac, mr. D.N.I. Gjaltema, mr. L. Hillen, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. T.A. Waterbolk
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