Tijdschrift voor Curatoren 2019 nr. 2

Brexit: The view of an English insolvency lawyer

Stewart Perry1

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I write this article at the beginning of February, only seven weeks from when the United Kingdom will leave the European Union (unless something happens in the meantime). As an insolvency lawyer, I am probably one of the few people who could benefit from the economic catastrophe that will befall the United Kingdom on a no deal Brexit, and even I do not want that to happen. So, unless the laughable collection of inept individuals that presently govern this once great country find a collective brain cell between them and delay or repeal Brexit, we are as a nation stuck with an impending economic disaster. However, we will be happy in our own minds knowing that during that maelstrom of post-apocalyptic carnage2 , we will have ‘taken back control’. [Note to the editor: I am slightly against Brexit.]

Fig 1. Artist's impression of the present leadership
capabilities displayed by UK politicians [the box is intentionally empty]

So if there is a no deal ...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. The English Courts and Judiciary

2. The priority given to secured creditors

3. The insolvency practitioners

4. What will happen to Dutch office-holders in the UK post Brexit?

5. What will happen to English office-holders in the Netherlands post Brexit?

6. Conclusion

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Artikel informatie

Stewart Perry1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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