Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2021 nr. 8/9

Global Financial Regulatory Trends Related to ESG Issues Outside the EU

mr. V. Capkurt, Ms T.V.C. Cizeika, Ms O. Harrison, Ms J. Yeap, Ms D. North, Ms C.E.P. Pizzola, K. Sumpter en C. Robins1

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This article provides an overview of the global developments in the regulatory landscape for ESG-matters (with a key focus on 'Environmental') applicable to banks, particularly on reporting, disclosure and initiatives to include ESG-factors in the prudential supervision of banks in (i) the US, (ii) the UK and (iii) Greater China, which for the purposes of this article focuses on the People's Republic of China (Hong Kong) and initiatives by the Basel Committee.

1. Introduction

When announcing the European Green Deal in 2019, Commission president Ursula von der Leyen used a beautiful turn of phrase: "Today is the start of a journey. But this is Europe's 'man on the moon' moment."2 This underlined the priority being given to environmental risks within the European Union (EU). The EU legislative and policy initiatives are primarily aimed at steering private capital into investments required to "green" the EU, to mitigate the ri...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Introduction

2. Basel Committee

2.1. Basel Framework

2.2. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Risks

3. United Kingdom

3.1. ESG risks in the prudential supervision

3.2. Other ESG-related developments

3.2.1. Impact of Brexit

3.2.2. UK initiatives since Brexit

4. United States[40]

4.1. ESG risks in the prudential supervision

4.2. Other ESG-related developments


5.1. China

5.1.1. ESG risks in the prudential supervision

5.1.2. Other ESG-related developments

5.2. Hong Kong SAR

5.2.1. ESG risks in the prudential supervision

5.2.2. Other ESG-related developments

6. Conclusion

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mr. V. Capkurt, Ms T.V.C. Cizeika, Ms O. Harrison, Ms J. Yeap, Ms D. North, Ms C.E.P. Pizzola, K. Sumpter en C. Robins1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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 Global Financial Regulatory Trends Related to ESG Issues Outside the EU

This article provides an overview of the global developments in the regulatory landscape for ESG-matters (with a key focus on 'Environmental') applicable to banks, particularly on reporting, disclo...