Tijdschrift voor Staatssteun Aanbesteding, mededinging en overheid & markt 2022 nr. 3/4

Enforcing state aid rules in the European Union

Ruud van Druenen1

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Main research findings and avenues for future social science research on EU state aid


1. Introduction

The question how to establish effective modes of governance lies at the heart of current debates about the EU and is also a widely researched topic in EU studies. As a regulatory state,2 the Union has acquired considerable competences to formulate rules. However, for most of these rules to be effective in achieving EU policy objectives, member state governments need to comply with them. Against this background, important questions are why EU rules are (not) complied with by member state governments and how the Union can ensure effective enforcement of rules if these are violated.


Enforcement outcomes and strategies have been mostly researched in the context of the EU infringement procedure, specified in Article 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Studies on EU enforcement teste...

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Main research findings and avenues for future social science research on EU state aid

1. Introduction

2. Findings and answer to the main research question

2.1. Explaining the duration of preliminary investigations

2.2. The characteristics of cases in formal investigations

2.3. Explaining the outcomes of formal investigations

2.4. Explaining (non-) approval of aid to national airlines in difficulties

2.5. Answer to the main research question

3. Limitations and avenues for future research

3.1. Opening up the black boxes of the Commission and member states

3.2. Including all relevant actors

3.3. Pursuing interdisciplinary research

3.4. Additional avenues for future research

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Ruud van Druenen1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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social science research, enforcing EU state aid rules, explaining enforcement outcomes

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