Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability An international journal with a European focus 2011 nr. 4/5

For whom the bell tolls. Whistle-blowers in the Netherlands

E.S. de Bock

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Part of the Houthoff Buruma National Compliance Debate 2011, by mr. E.S. de Bock* Whistle-blowers in the Netherlands exhibit some similarity to the main character in Ernest Hemingway’s famous novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. Like Robert Jordan, whistle-blowers who are ready to ‘do good as all men should’, must (almost) be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. In view of the relatively relaxed (or should one say lax) position the Netherlands has chosen with respect to whistle-blowers, they hardly ever ‘feel the earth move’. Although the Netherlands is well-known for its high degree of employee protection in general, and especially for the very strict rules governing terminating employment agreements, it is not a social paradise for whistle-blowers. Introduction Unlike many other countries and other than for civil servants, 1 the Netherlands has failed to introduce an act on whistle-blowing, or specific regulations on the protection of whistle-blowers. The Netherlands also lacks so-called ‘qui tam’ procedures. The Netherlands obviously does not want to become a ‘nation of snitches’, although it seems there is significant support among the majority of employees in our country for the introduction of schemes similar to the Dodd- Frank Act.2 Last but not least, there is relatively little case law in the Netherlands covering whistle-blowers, and most (published) cases involving whistle-blowers did not end too well for the employees concerned.

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E.S. de Bock
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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