Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability
An international journal with a European focus 2011 nr. 4/5
Necessity knows no Financial Markets Supervision Act. Publication of price sensitive information and directors liability
mr. W.W. de Nijs Bik*
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Part of the Houthoff Buruma National Compliance Debate 2011, by mr. W.W. de Nijs Bik*
In the aftermath of the crisis, it is natural to want
to point fingers at those who caused the almost total
meltdown of the financial system. Banks, regulators,
directors, politicians – all bear some responsibility. The
threshold for directors’ personal liability is very high. As
it stands (currently), if there is not a sufficient degree of
serious fault then directors are not held to be personally
liable.1 The Netherlands Supreme Court2 formulated this
high threshold explicitly to avoid ‘defensive’ behaviour.
Thus, the Supreme Court wants entrepreneurs to take
entrepreneurial risks.
Without taking any risks there would not have been major
financial institutions in the Netherlands that created thousands
of jobs and made significant contributions to the treasury.
Are entrepreneurs, when they are enterprising, also allowed
to break the rules? Is that part and parcel of ‘being an
entrepreneur’ or is the threshold just as high for non-enterprising
mortals? The specific question that I want to raise is
this: if one or more directors fail to share price-sensitive information
with the market in a timely manner, does this lead
to mismanagement or even personal liability of directors?
Another question: how much knowledge of the obligation to
publish price-sensitive information can you actually expect
from the Board?
U heeft op dit moment geen toegang tot de volledige inhoud van dit product. U kunt alleen de inleiding en hoofdstukindeling lezen.
Wanneer u volledige toegang wenst tot alle informatie kunt u zich abonneren of inloggen als abonnee.
- Bijlagen zijn alleen beschikbaar voor abonnees.
Artikel informatie
- Type
- Auteurs
mr. W.W. de Nijs Bik*
- Auteursvermelding
- Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
- Datum artikel
19 oktober 2011
- Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer
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