Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Energierecht 2019 nr. 1

Heat Supply Markets in Transition: a brief analysis of recent developments in the Danish and Swedish Heat Supply Markets

L.M. Andreasson, LL.M.1

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1. Introduction

The heat supply markets of Denmark and Sweden have several common factors such as a relatively high share of renewable energy supply for space heating, a rather high level of domestic energy resources used for heating purposes, a high level of taxation for fossil fuels used in the heating sector and a quite strong position for consumers.2 The most common denominator of the Danish and the Swedish heat supply markets is that district heating (DH) is the predominant form of heating. DH is a system for distribution of heat generated in a centralised location through a system of insulated pipes for residential and commercial heating requirements such as space heating and water heating, which enables distribution of both renewables and surplus heat.3 DH has grown rapidly in size and importance and has substituted individual heating solutions in Denmark and Sweden since the 1950s.4 In the rest of Europe there are many countries where efforts are taken to fu...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Introduction

2. Heat Supply Systems and Regulation of Heat Supply

2.1. Heat Supply Systems

2.2. Regulation of Network-bound Heat Supply

3. The Danish Heat Supply Market

3.1. Market Structure

3.2. The Heat Supply Act

4. The Swedish Heat Supply Market

4.1. Market Structure

4.2. The District Heating Act

5. Introduction of Competitive National Heat Supply Markets

5.1. Recent Developments in Denmark and Sweden

5.2. Introduction of Competition in the Heat Supply Market: Hot or Not?

5.3. Unlock the Potential for District Heating Markets to Flourish

6. Conclusion

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Artikel informatie

L.M. Andreasson, LL.M.1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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 Heat Supply Markets in Transition: a brief analysis of recent developments in the Danish and Swedish Heat Supply Markets

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