Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2019 nr. 9


mr. P.V.B.M. Deza de Massiac, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. M.C.J. Reuling, mr. T.A. Waterbolk

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Wet- en regelgeving nationaal

Ministerie van Financiën

Ontwerp Wijzigingsbesluit financiële markten 2019

Op 7 juni 2019 heeft de Minister van Financiën het ontwerp van het Wijzigingsbesluit financiële markten 2019 aan de Eerste en Tweede Kamer aangeboden (Kamerstukken 33 977, nr. 26). Het ontwerpbesluit bevat, onder andere, een wijziging van art. 18 van het Besluit toezicht accountantsorganisaties. Hiermee wordt voorzien in de mogelijkheid om ook andere personen dan externe accountants in te zetten voor het uitvoeren van een zogenaamde opdrachtgerichte kwaliteitsbeoordeling.

Wetsvoorstel verwijzingsportaal bankgegevens

Op 27 juni 2019 heeft de Minister van Financiën het Wetsvoorstel verwijzingsportaal bankgegevens aangeboden aan de Tweede Kamer (Kamerstukken 35 238, nr. 2). Het Wetsvoorstel wijzigt de Wft ter implementatie van art. 32bis van de Richtlijn tot wijziging van de vierde anti-...

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Wet- en regelgeving nationaal

Ministerie van Financiën

Ontwerp Wijzigingsbesluit financiële markten 2019

Wetsvoorstel verwijzingsportaal bankgegevens

Wetsvoorstel implementatiewet wijziging vierde anti-witwasrichtlijn

Consultatie Wet nadere beloningsmaatregelen financiële sector

Consultatie Wijzigingsregeling hypothecair krediet 2020

Consultatie Regeling aanpak flitskrediet

Publicatie wetten, besluiten en regelingen in het Staatsblad / de Staatscourant:

Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW)

Ontwerpbesluit tot wijziging van het Besluit financieel toetsingskader pensioenfondsen vanwege vaststelling van de parameters vanaf 2020

Overig nationaal

Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)

AFM en Britse toezichthouder FCA gaan nauwer samenwerken

Geen Marktmonitor adviseurs en bemiddelaars in 2019

Consultatie gewijzigde Beleidsregel geschiktheid

Huizenbezitters betalen niet meer dan het financiële nadeel bij rentemiddeling

Activering consumenten met beleggingsverzekering door verzekeraars afgerond

De Nederlandsche Bank


Statistisch nieuws

Risico’s financiële stabiliteit nemen toe

Kapitaalbeleid DNB wordt aangepast

Nieuwsbrief Verzekeren juni 2019

Nieuwsbrief Vermogensbeheerders juni 2019

Nieuwsbrief Banken juni 2019

Nieuwsbrief Pensioenen juni 2019

Nieuwsbrief Betaalinstellingen juni 2019

Nieuwsbrief Betalingsverkeer juni 2019

DNB verwelkomt maatregelen tegen witwassen

Nieuwsbrief Trustkantoren juli 2019

Nieuwsbrief verzekeren juli 2019

Ministerie van Financiën

Beantwoording vragen commissie over de werkgroep kapitaalmarktunie

Kamerbrief beloningen top verzekeraars

Kamerbrief screening van medewerkers van banken op integriteit

Kamerbrief over het gebruik van klantgegevens voor reclamedoeleinden

Reactie op brief van Verenigde Bitcoinbedrijven Nederland (VBNL) en Privacy First

Beantwoording Kamervragen over depositogarantiestelsel

Kamerbrief stand van zaken beleggingsverzekeringen

Kamerbrief plan van aanpak witwassen

Kamerbrief voortgangsrapportage rentederivaten

Beantwoording Kamervragen over berichtgeving dat ING betaalgegevens gebruikt voor persoonlijke reclame

Beantwoording Kamervragen over gelijk speelveld voor alternatieve kredietverleners en banken bij mkb-financiering

Kwartaalrapportage overzicht lopende EU-wetgeving

Beantwoording Kamervragen tientallen kleine bedrijven failliet door hoge kosten crowdfunding

Visiedocument Toezicht op afstand

Kamerbrief consultatie nadere beloningsmaatregelen financiële sector en besluitvorming claw back vaste beloning bankbestuurders bij staatssteun

Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid

Beantwoording Kamervragen inzake vernieuwing pensioenstelsel

Beantwoording Kamervragen inzake pensioenen

Hoofdlijnenbrief inzake het mogelijk maken van opname bedrag ineens op pensioeningangsdatum

Toelichting verzamelbrief pensioenonderwerpen

Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid

Beantwoording Kamervragen over het bericht Veel schade door bitcoin advertenties met nepuitspraken BN'ers

Beantwoording Kamervragen over leeftijdsonderscheid bij verzekeringen

Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB)

Banken graag in gesprek met Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens over betaaldata


Jaarverslag Pensioenfederatie 2018

Verbond van Verzekeraars (VVV)

Nederlands en Iers Verbond pleiten voor proportioneel pakket aan maatregelen Solvency II

European Legislation and Regulation

Council of the European Union (Council)

Council publishes proposed amendments of CRR II, CRD IV, BRRD II and SRM II

Council publishes progression report on regulation on assignments of claims

Progress report on the work on strengthening of the banking union

Two key reforms in the framework of the Capital Markets Union

Council publishes letter on revising ESM Treaty

Report on implementation of revised Wire Transfer Regulation provisions on sanctions and monitoring

COREPER invites negotiating mandate for proposed Regulation and Directive on European crowdfunding service providers

Council agrees position on proposed Regulation and Directive on European crowdfunding service providers

Crowdfunding Regulation and Amending MiFID2 Directive- Council general approach

European Commission (EC)

EC publishes rectification (corrigendum) to a regulation

EC publishes amendment of Implementation Regulation

Press release: state of play of preparations of contingency measures regarding Brexit

EC press release: progress report on the decline of non-preforming loans in the EU

Implementation decision recognition of legal and supervisory framework of third party states as equivalent to EU system

EC publishes Communication on Economic and Monetary Union

Guidelines on reporting climate-related information

EC publishes report by Technical Expert Group on sustainable finance

Commission Delegated Regulation amending Solvency II Delegated Regulation

Commission Delegated Regulation amending exemption for the People's Bank of China

Commission Delegated Regulation on regulatory technical standards

Commission Delegated regulation on the format, content, scrutiny and approval of prospectuses

Commission Delegated Regulation amending Solvency II Delegated Regulation

Report on group supervision provisions under Solvency II Directive

PRIIPs Regulation - Commission adopts Amending Regulation

Sustainable finance - Commission consults on taxonomy for sustainable economic activities

AML/CFT - European Commission

AMLD4 - European Commission report on ML/TF risks

European Commission on equivalence in the area of financial services

European Commission - Benchmarks Regulation/ CRA Regulation

Commission Implementing Regulation Solvency II calculation of technical provisions

Other European Developments

Joint Committee of European Supervisory Authorities

The ESAs publish re-consultation paper on revised draft ITS on the mapping of External Credit Assessment Institutions credit assessments for credit risk

ESAs report on cross-border supervision of retail financial services

European Banking Authority

Call for Advice on benchmarking national loan enforcement framework

EBA publishes update data on Deposit Guarantee Schemes

Consult on draft guidelines on loan origination and monitoring

EBA publishes opinion on elements of strong customer authentication under PSD2

Draft EBA materials for 2020 EU-wide banking sector stress test

EBA publishes roadmap on market and counterparty credit risk approaches and consultation on draft RTS on the Internal Model Approach under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book

EBA report on implementation of guidelines on product oversight and governance arrangements

EBA report on impact of fintech on payment institutions and EMI business models.

CRD4 - EBA progress report on internal rating based roadmap monitoring implementation, reporting and transparency

CRR - EBA report on Liquidity Credit Risk implementation

CRR - EBA amendments on ITS supervisory reporting

CRD4 - EBA updates benchmarking exercise (ITS package) for 2020

EBA report on regulatory perimeter and status to fintech activities

Monitoring CET1 instruments by EU institutions - under EBA report

EBA publishing roadmap for IFRS 9 deliverables

EBA opinion - risks in prudential supervision

EBA launched a public consultation on draft Guidelines (GLs)

European Court of Auditors (ECA)

ECA report on 2018 EY bank stress test

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

ESMA launches a Common Supervisory Action with NCAs on MiFID II appropriateness rules

Supervisory Briefing on pre-trade transparency requirements in commodity derivatives

ESMA publishes updated Q&As on MiFID transparency issues

ESMA publishes updated Q&A on the application of the AIFMD and UCITS Directive

Letter to the Director General of the Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

ESMA publishes draft amendment to RTS

ESMA regulatory concerns over Frequent Batch Auctions

ESMA publishes five additional positive opinions on national product intervention measures

Update of register of derivatives to be traded on-venue under MiFIR

ESMA publishes updated Q&A on EMIR data reporting

ESMA publishes eight positive opinions on product intervention measures

ESMA publishes updated Q&A on Central Securities Depository Regulation

Questionnaire on short-termism in financial markets

Letter to the Director General of the Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

CSDR - ESMA updated Q&A

ESMA binary options intervention measure expires

MiFIR - ESMA opinion/ FCA reasoning for proposed UK product intervention measures relating to CFDs

MiFID2 - ESMA update on application of tick size regime for third-country shares

Benchmark Regulation- ESMA updated Q&As

MiFID2 - ESMA consults on development in prices for pre- and post-trade data

MiFIR - ESMA statement on implementation considerations of trading obligation

MiFIR - ESMA statement on the application of product intervention measures to CFD providers

MiFID2 - ESMA updated Q&As relating to transparency and market structures

MiFID2 - ESMA updated Q&As relating to investor protection, intermediaries and implementation of CSDR

ESMA report on the licensing of fintech business models

ESMA updated Q&As relating to ESMA

ESMA enforces against Trade Repository registered in the EU

ESMA amends enforcement decision against Nordic banks

MiFID2 ESMA consultation - compliance functions draft guidelines

UCITS Directive - draft guidelines and performance fees consultation by ESMA

MiFID2 - ESMA evidence on impact of costs and charges disclosure requirements and inducements

MiFID2 - ESMA reports on the use of sanctions and measures

ESMA Securitisation Regulation

ESMA advise relating to credit rating sustainability issues and standard for disclosure requirements

MMF Regulation - ESMA reports

EMIR - ESMA peer review report

MiFIR- ESMA updated Q&A

ESMA ceases renewal of product intervention measures relating to contracts for differences

European Central Bank (ECB)

ECB update on relocating to the euro area

ECB ''Dear CEO'' letter on banks' preparation in respect of interest rate benchmark reforms

CRR- ECB guidance on banks' internal models

ECB guideline relating to €STR in the Official Journal

ECB response to consultation on draft ECB decision

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)


EIOPA launches consultation on opinion on sustainability within Solvency II

EIOPA re-consults on new amendments to technical standards on the mapping of ECAIs

EIOPA, ECB and national authorities agree on common minimum standards for supervisory and statistical reporting by (re)insurance undertakings

EIOPA publishes its 2018 Annual Report

EIOPA outlines key financial stability risks of the European insurance and pensions sector

EIOPA consults on guidelines on outsourcing to cloud service providers

EIOPA establishes Expert Practitioner Panel on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP)

EIOPA issues opinions on governance and risk management of pension funds

EIOPA consults on the harmonisation of national insurance guarantee schemes

EIOPA consults on increased proportionality of supervisory reporting and public disclosure

EIOPA publishes Discussion Paper on Methodological Principles of Insurance Stress Testing

EIOPA examines national general good rules

EIOPA consults on the draft Opinion on the supervision of remuneration principles in the insurance and reinsurance sector

EIOPA’s July 2019 Risk Dashboard shows broadly stable risk trends for the European Union insurance sector, with macro and market risks now at a high level

Update on the Change of Financial Market Data Provider for the calculation of Solvency II Risk-Free Interest Rate Term Structures

Single Resolution Board (SRB)

Addendum to SRB 2018 MREL policy highlights key new requirements under CRR II Regulation

International developments

Financial Stability Institute of the Bank for International Settlements

Basel III - Proportionality under pillar 2

International Association Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)

IAIS publishes public consultation document: Revisions related to the Holistic Framework for Systemic Risk in the Insurance Sector

Financial Task Force (FATF)

FATF updated recommendations

FATF terrorist financing risk assessment guidance

Financial Stability Board (FSB)

FSB publishes discussion papers

FSB publishes report on market fragmentation

User guide for overnight risk-free rates

FSB publishes report on decentralised financial technologies

Consultation on SME financing evaluation

Sixth progress report on principles for sound compensation practices

FSB updating implementation timelines for recommendations on securities financing transactions

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)

ISDA publishes the Master Regulatory Disclosure Letter (MRDL)

ISDA publishes first round of results of consultation on benchmark fallbacks

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

CPMI and IOSCO publish a paper on CCP default management auctions

IOSCO cyber taskforce publishes final report on cyber risk

IOSCO statement on recommendations relating to liquidity risk management recommendations for investment funds

BCBS and IOSCO report relating to margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives

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Artikel informatie

mr. P.V.B.M. Deza de Massiac, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. M.C.J. Reuling, mr. T.A. Waterbolk
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

Verder in 2019 nr.9


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