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Wet- en regelgeving nationaal
Ministerie van Financiën
Besluit ter implementatie en uitvoering van onderdelen van de IFR en IFD
Op 25 maart 2020 is het besluit ter implementatie en uitvoering van specifieke onderdelen van de Investment Firm Regulation (IFR) en de Investment Firm Directive (IFD) in het Staatsblad gepubliceerd (Stb. 2020, 102). Met dit besluit worden specifieke onderdelen uit de IFR en de IFD geïmplementeerd. Deze onderdelen betreffen wijzigingen van MiFID II en MiFIR die betrekking op verhandelingseenheden (tick-sizes) voor de handel in eigenvermogensinstrumenten (equity) en bepaalde soortgelijke (equity-like) financiële instrumenten op een gereglementeerde markt. De tick-size is het minimum verschil tussen twee prijsniveaus van de met betrekking tot een financieel instrument in een orderboek ingelegde orders. Voor de specifieke onderdelen uit de IFR en de IFD die met dit besluit worden geïmplementeerd is 26 maar...
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Verder in dit artikel:
Wet- en regelgeving nationaal
Ministerie van Financiën
Besluit ter implementatie en uitvoering van onderdelen van de IFR en IFD
Werkwijze AFM inzien en kopiëren van digitale gegevens
Overig nationaal
Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)
AFM schort grote gegevensuitvragen aan financiële ondernemingen op tot 1 juni 2020
AFM reageert op voorstel regering om vermogensrendementsheffing te wijzigen
AFM publiceert Consumentenmonitor Beleggen 2019, onderdeel beleggers
AFM publiceert onderzoek naar turbo-industrie
De Nederlandsche Bank
Nieuwsbrief Pensioenen maart 2020
Nieuwsbrief Verzekeren maart 2020
Nieuwsbrief Betaalinstellingen maart 2020
Nieuwsbrief Banken maart 2020
DNB verlaagt buffereis banken om kredietverlening te ondersteunen
Uitstel rapportagetermijnen verzekeraars vanwege Coronavirus
Uitstel rapportagetermijn jaarstaten pensioenfondsen wegens Coronavirus
Jaarverslag DNB 2019
DNB roept banken op om tijdelijk af te zien van dividenduitkeringen en inkoop van eigen aandelen
Ministerie van Financiën
Nadere memorie van antwoord inzake wijziging vierde anti-witwasrichtlijn
Kamerbrief met reactie kabinet op rapport Commissie toekomst accountancysector
Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB)
NVB publiceert bericht over maatregelen banken in verband met coronavirus
Verbond van Verzekeraars (VvV)
VvV publiceert bericht over maatregelen verzekeraars in verband met corona-virus
Coulance bij betalen pensioenpremies voor door coronacrisis getroffen bedrijven en sectoren
Reactie Pensioenfederatie op concept-handhavingsbeleid AFM en DNB
European developments
ESMA decision requiring net short position holders to report positions of 0.1% and above
Commission delegated regulation regarding the specification of the treatment of OTC derivatives in connection with certain securitisations for hedging purposes
Commission delegated regulation regarding RTS on the specification of criteria for establishing the arrangements to adequately mitigate counterparty credit risk associated with covered bonds and securitisations
Commission delegated regulation correcting the Solvency II delegated regulation
European Commission (EC)
EC publishes study on the application of the Interchange Fees Regulation
Other European Developments
European Central Bank (ECB)
ECB provides temporary capital and operational relief in reaction to COVID-19
ECB announces measures to support bank liquidity conditions and money market activity
ECB announces EUR 750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme
ECB publishes annual report on supervisory activities
ECB announces further measures providing flexibility to banks in reaction to COVID-19 outbreak
ECB updates its recommendation to banks on dividend distributions in reaction to COVID-19 outbreak
European Banking Authority (EBA)
EBA publishes consultation to update methodology to identify G-SIIs
EBA publishes statement on actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the EU banking sector
EBA provides clarification on the application of the prudential framework in light of COVID-19 measures
EBA publishes final draft RTS on key areas for the implementation of FRTB
EBA publishes second Financial Education Report
EBA provides guidance on dividends, remuneration, supervisory reporting, and ML / TF risks to mitigate COVID-19 impact on EU banking sector
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
ESMA recommends action by financial market participants for COVID-19 impact
ESMA publishes consultation on draft technical standards for benchmarks
ESMA publishes consultation on MiFIR transparency regime for non-equity instruments
ESMA sets out approach to SFTR implementation
ESMA publishes statement on MiFIR tick-size regime for systematic internalisers
ESMA publishes statement to clarify position on call taping under MiFID II
ESMA publishes consultation on post-trade risk reduction services under EMIR REFIT
ESMA publishes consultation on draft RTS and ITS on trade repositories under EMIR REFIT
ESMA publishes statement on financial reporting deadlines in light of COVID-19
ESMA publishes report on RTS for CCP colleges
ESMA publishes consultation on guidance to address leverage risk in the AIF sector
ESMA publishes advice on fines and penalties for third country CCPs
ESMA publishes advice on inducements and costs and charges disclosures under MiFID II
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
EIOPA publishes statement on actions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the EU insurance sector
EIOPA issues recommendations on flexibility deadlines of supervisory reporting and public disclosure
EIOPA publishes guidance on implementation annual information document under IORP II
EIOPA publishes statement urging insurers and intermediaries to continue to take actions to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on consumers
European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
ESRB publishes opinion regarding Dutch notification of a stricter measure based on Article 458 CRR
European Payments Council (EPC)
EPC publishes updated 2019 EPC SEPA payment scheme rulebooks
EPC publishes updated SPL scheme rulebook
EPC publishes new version of the guidelines on cryptographic algorithms usage and key management
EPC publishes consultation on the 2020 change requests for various SEPA rulebooks
Single Resolution Board (SRB)
SRB publishes key bank resolution policy 'Expectations for Banks'
International developments
Basel Committee
Basel Committee announces deferral of Basel II implementation in light of COVID-19 outbreak
Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
FATF publishes guidance on Digital ID
FATF publishes statement on COVID-19 and measures to combat illicit financing
International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
IOSCO publishes report on possible application of existing regulatory principles to stablecoins