Tijdschrift voor Sanctierecht & Onderneming
Straf- en bestuursrechtelijke handhaving van financieel-economisch recht 2021 nr. 5
French bar guidelines on internal investigations: an overview
Stephane Bonifassi, Victoire Chatelin, Louise Gernelle with Bogdan Karpenko’s contribution
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Lawyers have always handled internal investigations. It consists in bringing to light facts on behalf of a company. Such a process has always existed when prepping for a case, for example. Legal entities called on lawyers to investigate directly or indirectly facts in relation to possible criminal or administrative sanctions, or even civil claims. However, under the influence of the US practice, internal investigations have become a formal process, this is due to the fact that it could lead to extensive negotiations with enforcement authorities, notably, in the field of competition or corruption enforcement, indeed lawyers need to justify the process used to conduct this investigation and the strategic choices made during the investigation.
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Verder in dit artikel:
1. On the possibility for the company's usual lawyer to conduct an internal investigation
2. Interviews with the company’s employees
3. Other topics covered in the Guide
3.1. Identification of the client
3.2. Legal privilege
3.3. Internal investigations, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)[6] and disclosure of information to other countries
3.4. Internal investigations and cross-border issues
4. Conclusion
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Artikel informatie
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- Auteurs
Stephane Bonifassi, Victoire Chatelin, Louise Gernelle with Bogdan Karpenko’s contribution1
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- Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
- Datum artikel
18 oktober 2021
- Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer
VoorwoordBij het schrijven van dit voorwoord vallen de bladeren in groten getale van de bomen. Het is duidelijk, de zomer van 2021 is voorbij, de herfst is in aantocht. Het einde van de zomer viel dit jaar ...