Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability An international journal with a European focus 2023 nr. 6

The CSDDD and Meaningful Human Rights Due Diligence: Some opportunities and threats

Annika van Baar1

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Western electronics at the heart of Russian warfare2 , the solar- automotive and garment industries’ ties3 to forced labour in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Palm Oil Industry’s links to devastating environmental and human rights consequences4 are just three examples of how internationally operating businesses are linked to the breaching of fundamental rights of peoples and communities around the world. While corporate activity has globalized, the regulation of the adverse consequences of corporate activity is lagging. The resulting governance gaps have provided ‘a permissive environment for wrongful acts by companies of all kinds without adequate sanctioning or reparation’.5 The 2011 Protect, Respect and Remedy Framework for Business and Human Rights, together with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) sought to start closing these governance gaps.6 The voluntary UNGPs urge states to observe their duty to protect and take ‘appropr...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Opportunities

2. Threats

2.1. Superficial integration into corporate processes

2.2. A focus only on the process, and not on respecting human rights

2.3. Reliance on experts, certification schemes and auditing companies

3. Concluding remarks

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Artikel informatie

Annika van Baar1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

Gerelateerde inhoud

Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:

Corporate Sustainability Due Dilligence Directive / CSDDD / CS3D, maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid van ondernemingen, Human Rights Due Diligence

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