Tijdschrift voor Levensmiddelenrecht Recht en beleid in de agri-food keten 2024 nr. 2

Botanicals and Food Supplements in the EU: a play yet to be written1

Vito Rubino and Rita Stefani2

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The world of health-promoting plants offers an extraordinary potential in relation to the needs of consumers, who are increasingly attentive to the self-management of their health. In particular, the sector of food botanicals supplement stands out for its differentiated offer. However, even though the market is expanding, some critical issues together with long-lived problems that do not seem to be disappearing pose challenges to the free movement of products within the EU. In this article, we outline critical aspects and economic interests that are hindering the proper-functioning of the Single Market for botanical supplements, and to interpret the current trends at EU level.

1. Introduction. Botanicals in medicine and food

In the current situation of the food market, products based on botanical preparations (so-called "botanicals") are enjoying a considerable success: consumption is growing in the European market, and it is i...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Introduction. Botanicals in medicine and food

2. Botanicals in Italy

3. Food supplements in Italy

4. New perspectives after the updates of the EU rules relating to food supplements and fortified foods

5. Trends in other EU countries

6. Problems arising from the free circulation of botanical food supplements in the internal market

7. An anti-business approach by the European Commission? The "hydroxyanthracene saga" as an example of an (excessive?) precautionary approach

8. Conclusions

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Artikel informatie

Vito Rubino and Rita Stefani2
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:

Botanicals, food supplements, novel foods, article 8 procedure EU Regulation 1925/2006

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