Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability Voorheen tijdschrift voor Compliance 2024 nr. 3

'More sustainability legislation is not the solution'

Jeroen Boogaard

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Interview with Laure Jacquier, ICC Netherlands

Adding sustainability legislation can be counterproductive because it hinders sustainable business initiatives. The obligations come with a huge workload. As a result, companies have less room to take sustainable steps on their own initiative.

This is what Laure Jacquier, Managing Director of ICC Netherlands, says in an interview with Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability (CES). As of September 2023, Jacquier is responsible for the Dutch branch of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). With more than 45 million members in more than 100 countries, the ICC is the largest business association in the world. In addition to the head office in Paris, the network consists of 93 local offices. "We want to make international business easier for companies and are a regular discussion partner at the United Nations, World Trade Organization (WTO), the G20 and many other important intergovernmental ...

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Interview with Laure Jacquier, ICC Netherlands

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Jeroen Boogaard
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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