Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability
An international journal with a European focus 2013 nr. 2
Evolution of the Compliance Function
S.J. van Eerten MSc EMoC and X. Li LL.M. EMoC*
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Trefwoorden: compliance function, ethics, Compliance Risk
Management, Compliance Program
In response to the financial crises and scandals that occurred
in recent years, regulators across the globe have been urged
to introduce new initiatives in order to bolster the regulatory
framework. Companies are also looking for improved
practices to prevent misconduct or crises internally, both reactively
and proactively. The compliance function plays a
crucial role in obtaining both the regulatory and company
How has the compliance function developed? What are the
core elements of a compliance program? And how to enhance
the compliance function in the long run?
This article analyzes the evolution of the compliance function
with a focus on the financial sector. It discusses the origin
of the compliance function, followed by a comparison of
the most prevalent operating models (the approaches of the
United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK)), as well as a
description of the core elements of an effective compliance
program. By identifying the key difference in the US and
UK approaches, this article further examines how regulators
attempt to foster ethical behavior within financial organizations.
At the end of this article, the authors explain the implication
of this for the compliance function in the long run.
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Artikel informatie
- Type
- Auteurs
S.J. van Eerten MSc EMoC and X. Li LL.M. EMoC*
- Auteursvermelding
- Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
- Datum artikel
17 juni 2013
- Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer
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