Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2019 nr. 5


mr. P.V.B.M. Deza de Massiac, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. M.C.J. Reuling, mr. T.A. Waterbolk

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Wet- en regelgeving Nationaal

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Brief aan de Vice-President van de Raad van State met betrekking tot het wetsvoorstel Verzamelwet Brexit

Op 5 maart 2019 heeft de Eerste Kamercommissie voor Europese Zaken een adviesverzoek gedaan aan de Raad van State. De Raad van State wordt verzocht om in te gaan op (i) de mogelijke noodzaak van nationale regelgeving ingeval van een Brexit met of zonder akkoord; en (ii) het niveau waarop eventuele regelging moet worden doorgevoerd.

Eerste Kamer stemt in met wetsvoorstel Verzamelwet Brexit

Op 26 maart 2019 heeft de Eerste Kamer het wetsvoorstel Verzamelwet Brexit aangenomen. Dit wetsvoorstel bevat aanpassingen van Nederlandse wetgeving om onaanvaardbare gevolgen voor de burgers en bedrijfsleven te voorkomen. Het wetsvoorstel bevat wijzigingen waarin rekening wordt gehouden met onvoorspelbare uitkomsten van de onderhandelingen en wijzigingen die nodig zijn ongeacht het tijdstip ...

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Wet- en regelgeving Nationaal

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Brief aan de Vice-President van de Raad van State met betrekking tot het wetsvoorstel Verzamelwet Brexit

Eerste Kamer stemt in met wetsvoorstel Verzamelwet Brexit

Ministerie van Financiën

Minimumkapitaal regel voor banken en verzekeraars

Publicatie wetten, besluiten en regelingen in het Staatsblad / de Staatscourant

Inwerkingtredingsbesluit behorend bij de Wet tot wijziging van de Faillissementswet met betrekking tot de rechten en verplichtingen inzake deelname aan betalings- en effectenafwikkelsystemen in derde landen

Besluit voorwaarden finaliteit en derde landen

Besluit implementatie verordening geldmarktfondsen

Besluit tot wijziging van het Besluit prudentiële regels

Besluit tot wijziging van het Besluit Gedragstoezicht financiële ondernemingen Wft

Wet omzetting aandelen aan toonder

Rectificatiebesluit Inwerkingtredingsbesluit Implementatiewet PSD2

Regeling tot wijziging van de Regeling eindtermen en toetstermen examens financiële dienstverlening Wft in verband met de afname van bijzondere examens en enkele technische wijzigingen

Overig Nationaal

Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)

Wft-diploma Pensioen wordt verplicht voor advies over pensioenuitkering

Verbod binaire opties en beperkingen aan CfD’s in voorbereiding

FSC roept financiële instellingen op rekening te houden met een no-deal Brexit

De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB)

DNB start publiekscampagne nieuwe mogelijkheden bankrekening

No-deal brexitvoorbereidingen blijven nodig

Nieuwsbrief Vermogensbeheerders

DNB ondertekent als eerste centrale bank de Principles for Responsible Investment

Nieuwsbrief Betalingsverkeer

Nieuwsbrief Banken

Nieuwsbrief Verzekeren

Nieuwsbrief Pensioenen

Ministerie van Financiën

Kamerbrief overzicht aanbevelingen Commissie De Wit

Kamerbief witwassen en financieren van terrorisme

European developments


Council decision amending the financial services annex to the EEA agreement to incorporate MiFID II/MiFIR

Council decision amending the financial services and consumer protection annexes to the EEA agreement to incorporate the Mortgage Credit Directive

Commission delegated regulation specifying criteria for the impact of an institution's failure

Two Commission delegated regulations supplementing EMIR relating to Brexit

Commission delegated regulation on the technical requirements for the electronic central register within PSD2

Commission implementing regulation on the information to be notified by competent authorities to EBA pursuant to PSD2

Commission delegated regulation on the average daily number of share transactions

Commission delegated regulation on the requirement to reflect prevailing market conditions

ESRB recommendation on the assessment of cross-border effects of, and voluntary reciprocity for, macroprudential policy measures

Commission delegated regulation adds Bank of England to exempted EMIR entities

Seven Commission delegated regulations supplementing Securities Financing Transaction Regulation

Three Commission Implementing Regulations in accordance with SFTR

Commission Implementing Regulation on the list of critical benchmarks used in financial markets

Regulation amending Cross-Border Payments Regulation regarding payment charges and currency conversion charges

Commission Implementing Regulation on benchmark portfolios, reporting templates and reporting instruction

EC publishes draft decision on the equivalence of Argentina for the purpose of the treatment of exposure under CRR

European Commission (EC)

EC publishes proposal for an EU Green Bond Standard

EC publishes delegated regulation amending the Solvency II delegated regulation

EC publishes delegated regulation exempting the People's Bank of China from pre- and post-trade transparency requirements

EC publishes draft delegated regulation on central contact points

EC adopts delegated regulations supplementing the Prospectus Regulation

EC communication on the progress of building a Capital Markets Union

EC publishes two draft equivalence decisions for benchmarks in Australia and Singapore

EC publishes seven Brexit preparedness notices

EC publishes two delegated regulations supplementing EMIR

European Parliament (EP)

ECON and ENVI vote to adopt a report establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investment

EP publishes draft low carbon benchmark and positive carbon impact benchmark regulation

EP publishes draft ENISA Regulation

EP publishes amendments to draft regulation for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties

Council of the European Union (Council)

Council adopted text amending the regulation on cross-border payments in relation to certain charges

Council rejects proposed delegated regulation identifying 23 high-risk countries in the area of money laundering and terrorist financing

Presidency and EP agree on the proposal for a regulation on disclosures relating to sustainability

Council publishes compromise text for proposed regulation on low carbon benchmarks and positive carbon impact benchmarks

Council and EP agree on proposal for a regulation on the procedures and authorities involved in the authorisation of CCPs

Council invites COREPER to approve decision on amendment of Article 22 of the ESCB and ECB statute

Council invites COREPER to approve the final text for a regulation regarding CCPs

Council publishes Presidency compromise proposal for a regulation on prudential requirements of investment firms

Council published the final compromise texts of proposals for a regulation and a directive on covered bonds

Council press release: political agreement on proposal to improve the ESFS

Council publishes Presidency compromise proposal on disclosures relating to sustainable investments and sustainability risks

Council published compromise text on the ESFS omnibus proposal

Other European Developments

Joint Committee of European Supervisory Authorities (Joint Committee)

Joint Committee submits letter to the EC on the draft RTS in relation the PRIIPs Regulation

European Banking Authority (EBA)

EBA publishes Single Rulebook Q&As

EBA published a consultation paper for updated guidelines regarding reporting of funding plans by credit institutions

EBA publishes final guidelines on the estimation of LGD in an economic downturn

EBA publishes annual report on convergence of supervisory practices

EBA publishes updated list of O-SIIs

EBA publishes updated Guidance on how to compile risk indicators and detailed risk analysis tools

EBA reaches agreement on MoU template with FCA and PRA in case of no-deal Brexit

EBA publishes updated list of institutions for supervisory reporting

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

ESMA published the results of the annual transparency calculations for equity and equity-like instruments

ESMA published a statement on the impact of Brexit on MiFID II / MiFIR and the Benchmark Regulation

Decision on the marketing, distribution or sale of binary options to retail clients

ESMA publishes report on enforcement and regulatory activities of European accounting enforcers

ESMA publishes updated Q&A on MiFID II & MiFIR commodity derivative topics

ESMA publishes Q&A on the Prospectus Regulation

ESMA publishes draft RTS on Article 25 ELTIF Regulation

ESMA publishes updated Q&A on MiFID II & MiFIR investor topics

ESMA publishes two guiding documents on the Prospectus Regulation

ESMA publishes updated UCITS Q&A

ESMA publishes updated AIFMD Q&A

ESMA publishes updated MAR Q&A

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

EIOPA, PRA, FCA and EEA NCAs have agreed on no-deal Brexit related memoranda of understanding

EIOPA publishes updated Q&As on template for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

European Central Bank (ECB)

ECB publishes draft decision on oversight of systematically important payment systems

ECB published a new code of conduct for high-level ECB officials

ECB publishes draft recommendations on the transition path from EONIA to the €STR

ECB publishes Basel III monitoring exercise report

ECB publishes updated report on liquidity measures

ECB withdraws recommendation for a decision amending Article 22 of the ESCB and ECB statute

ECB publishes annual supervisory activities report 2018

European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)

ESRB publishes report on the cyclical behaviour of the ECL model in IFRS 9

Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)

ACER publishes Guidance on the application of REMIT

International developments

Financial Stability Board (FSB)

FSB publishes key workshop takeaways on its principles for sound compensation practices and implementation standards

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee)

Basel Committee and IOSCO support final implementation of framework for margin requirements for non-centrally-cleared derivatives

Basel Committee publishes survey results on proportionality practices in bank regulation and supervision

Basel Committee publishes Basel III monitoring exercise report

Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructure (CPMI)

CPMI publishes progress report with IOSCO on the implementation of the Principles for financial market infrastructure

European Payment Council (EPC)

EPC published decision on participation UK PSPs in SEPA schemes after Brexit

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Artikel informatie

mr. P.V.B.M. Deza de Massiac, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. M.C.J. Reuling, mr. T.A. Waterbolk
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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