Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2019 nr. 7/8


mr. P.V.B.M. Deza de Massiac, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. M.C.J. Reuling, mr. T.A. Waterbolk

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Wet- en regelgeving nationaal

Ministerie van Financiën

Nader rapport wijziging Muntwet 2002

Op 9 mei 2019 stuurde de Staatssecretaris van Financiën het nader rapport inzake het voorstel van wet tot wijziging van de Muntwet 2002 naar de Tweede Kamer. Het rapport werd verstuurd vergezeld van de Memorie van toelichting wijzigingen Muntwet 2002, de Wijziging wetsvoorstel Muntwet 2002 en het advies van de Raad van State. Het rapport beschrijft een kleine wijziging van de Muntwet die betreft het vervangen van ‘Rijkswapen’ door ‘Klein Rijkswapen’ in art. 5 lid 6 Muntwet 2002. De Raad van State heeft geen opmerkingen en adviseert het voorstel in te dienen bij de Tweede Kamer.

Initiatiefwetsvoorstel tot aanscherping definitie van ‘vaste beloning’ verworpen

Op 14 mei 2019 is het initiatiefwetsvoorstel (Kamerstukken 34906, nr. 2) tot aanscherping van de definitie van het begrip ‘vaste beloning’ in de Wft door de Tweede Kamer...

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Verder in dit artikel:

Wet- en regelgeving nationaal

Ministerie van Financiën

Nader rapport wijziging Muntwet 2002

Initiatiefwetsvoorstel tot aanscherping definitie van ‘vaste beloning’ verworpen

Consultatie ontwerpvoorstel Implementatiebesluit registratie uiteindelijk belanghebbenden van vennootschappen en andere juridische entiteiten

Ontwerpvoorstel Wet uitbreiding meldplichten aandeelhouders ter consulatie voorgelegd

Kamerbrief overzicht van de uitvoering van moties en toezeggingen op het terrein van de financiële markten

Publicatie wetten, besluiten en regelingen in het Staatsblad / de Staatscourant:

Overig nationaal

Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)

Consultatie Principes voor informatiebeveiliging

Wederzijds toelaten van bepaalde typen beleggingsinstellingen door Nederland en Hong Kong

Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Kamerbrief over Kabinetsappreciatie EU-mededeling Brexit contingency

Ministerie van Financiën

Commissie Advisering oprichting Invest-NL

Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid

Beantwoording Kamervragen over bereidheid deelnemers in te leveren voor duurzaam beleggen

Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB)

Reactie op Europese Commissie consultatie over een ecolabel voor beleggingsfondsen

Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland (VBIN)

Oproep tot dialoog met De Nederlandsche Bank

European developments


Commission delegated regulation to extend the dates of deferred application for the clearing obligation of certain OTC derivatives

ECB decision on the total amount of annual supervisory fees for 2019

Commission implementing decision on equivalence arrangements Japan under Article 11 EMIR

Commission implementing regulation laying down technical information for the calculation of technical provisions and basic own funds

Commission delegated regulation containing RTS for the minimum action and the type of additional measures credit and financial institutions must take to mitigate AML/CTF risk in certain third countries

Commission delegated regulation supplementing European social entrepreneurship funds regulation with regard to conflicts of interests

Commission delegated regulation supplementing the European venture capital funds regulation with regard to conflicts of interests

Regulation amending EMIR as regards the clearing obligation, reporting requirements, risk-mitigation techniques, registration and supervision of and requirements for TRs

Commission delegated regulation specifying a single electronic reporting format for annual financial reports

Commission delegated regulation supplementing the Securitisation Regulation with RTS relating to the authorisation of third parties assessing STS compliance

EU banking reform package

European Commission (EC)

EC publishes report on the application and review of BRRD and SRMR

EC adopts final draft RTS adapting the base euro amounts for professional indemnity insurance and financial capacity of insurance and reinsurance intermediaries

EC publishes letter to the Chairmen of the ESAs to clarify the treatment of bonds

EC publishes summary report on the evaluation of the Consumer Credit Directive

EC publishes European financial stability and integration review

EC adopts draft delegated regulation with regard to RTS on the homogeneity of the underlying exposures in securitisation

Council adopts proposed texts for the EU banking reform package

Other European Developments

Joint Committee of European Supervisory Authorities (Joint Committee)

Amendment on the Mapping of ECAIs’ Credit Assessments under CRR

Consultation on draft technical standards on the reporting of intra-group transactions and risk concentration under FICOD

European Banking Authority (EBA)

EBA publishes report on supervisory colleges

EBA published a consultation on four RTS on the Standardised Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk under CRR2

EBA publishes Single Rulebook Q&As

EBA publishes annual report 2018

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

ESMA publishes final technical advice on integrating sustainability risks and factors in MiFID II, UCITS and AIFMD

ESMA publishes five opinions on position limits regarding commodity derivatives under MiFID II and MiFIR

ESMA publishes updated overview of the SFD designated payment and securities settlement systems

ESMA publishes updated list of CCPs authorised to offer services and activities in the Union

ESMA updates overview of technical standards and guidelines

ESMA publishes Q&As on the implementation of the CSDR

ESMA publishes Q&As on the implementation of the Benchmark Regulation

ESMA launches call for evidence on position limits and position management in commodity derivatives

ESMA publishes a consultation paper on main indices and recognised exchanges under CRR

ESMA publishes updated Q&As on the implementation of EMIR

ESMA publishes updated opinion on ancillary activity calculations

ESMA publishes draft guidelines on reporting of SFTs for consultation

ESMA publishes draft guidelines on periodic information and notification of material changes to be submitted by TRs

ESMA published updated Q&As on the Securitisation Regulation

ESMA publishes updated Q&As on MiFID II and MiFIR

ESMA publishes three consultation papers under EMIR 2.2 on tiering, comparable compliance and fees

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

EIOPA publishes technical advice on sustainability risks and factors in delegated regulations under Solvency II and IDD

EIOPA publishes thematic review report on big data analytics in motor and health insurance

EIOPA publishes updated Q&As

EIOPA, PRA, FCA and EEA NCAs have agreed on no-deal Brexit related memoranda of understanding

EIOPA publishes updated Q&As on template for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities

EIOPA launches consultation on draft opinion on sustainability

European Central Bank (ECB)

ECB publishes updated list of supervised entities

ECB launches public consultation on its draft recommendations to address the EONIA to €STR legal action plan

ECB publishes updated SREP methodology

European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)

ESRB publishes paper evaluating the impact of macroprudential capital regulation

European Payments Council (EPC)

EPC launches consultation on possible modification of the SEPA Procy Lookup (SPL)

International developments

Financial Stability Board (FSB)

FSB publishes thematic peer review on bank resolution planning

Evaluation of Too-Big-To-Fail Reforms

FSB publishes report on crypto-assets

Basel Committee publishes its sixteenth progress report on the adoption of the Basel regulatory framework

Basel Committee publishes FAQ on Basel III monitoring

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)

ISDA publishes two consultations on benchmark fallbacks

International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

IOSCO publishes consultation paper on issues, risks and regulatory considerations relating to crypto-asset trading platforms

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mr. P.V.B.M. Deza de Massiac, mr. A.A. Pasaribu, mr. P.W. Post, mr. M.C.J. Reuling, mr. T.A. Waterbolk
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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