Tijdschrift voor Staatssteun
Aanbesteding, mededinging en overheid & markt 2020 nr. 2
Arrangements For Granting Rescue and Restructuring Aid To Airlines and Their Assessment
mr. M. Dionisio
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Aviation plays a fundamental role in the European economy. In the ‘90s the air transport market was faced with substantial liberalization and it led to a more competitive market. As a result old flag carriers were confronted with financial problems and Member States developed plans for their restructuring. According to EU law, any form of State aid granted to an undertaking is prohibited, except in specific cases. Many of these cases were decided on the basis of the Guidelines on rescue and restructuring aid. This paper will analyse them from the perspective of the air carriers. In particular, it will discuss how the Commission assesses the compatibility of rescue and restructuring aid granted to air carriers with the existing legal framework and the possibility for air transport service to be caught under the concept of Public Service Obligation. Lastly, this paper sheds light on the legal efficiency of rescue and restructuring aid in respect of the drawbacks which may arise in the aviation sector and on the effective application by the European Commission of the Guidelines for rescue and restructuring aid.
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Verder in dit artikel:
1. Introduction
2. Legal framework
3. Past Practice and points of critique
4. Actual State Aid Operations
5. Evaluation of the Guidelines
6. State Aid and the COVID-19 outbreak
7. Conclusion
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Artikel informatie
- Type
- Auteurs
mr. M. Dionisio1
- Auteursvermelding
- Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
- Datum artikel
17 juli 2020
- Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer
RedactioneelAls redactie hopen wij dat u deze editie van het Tijdschrift van Staatsteun in goede gezondheid leest. Het is een understatement om op te merken dat we in bijzondere tijden leven. Velen van ons zul...
Europese Commissiejanuari t/m maart 2020BeleidMaatregelen Europese Commissie betreffende de COVID-19-crisisGezien de huidige situatie, kon het niet anders dan deze bijdrage te beginnen met een bespreking van een aan...