Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability An international journal with a European focus 2022 nr. 6

Next steps in tax compliance and against tax evasion: The Dutch Code compared against the UK FCA

drs. B.H.C.M. le Blanc MBA en M.C.P. de Haan LL.M.1

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The strategic role for taxation has substantially changed and the risk of reputational damages as a result on non-compliance or naming and shaming is present. This means that taxation has evaluated from a cost or accounting matter to being part of the licence to operate. On 18 May 2022, more than 40 major Dutch multinationals signed up to the new Dutch Tax Governance Code (the Code), which the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW) prepared. The Code was drawn up in consultation with most of Dutch listed companies and with further input from the Dutch trade unions, NGOs, tax experts and academics and is a good example of self-regulation. So why are these multinational enterprises signing up to these initiatives? And how does the Code compare against initiatives in order jurisdictions, for instance, the UK Criminal Finances Act 2017 that also places anti-tax evasion measures on businesses?

1. Background...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Background of the Dutch Code of 2022

1.1. The Dutch Code of 2022

2. The UK CFA of 2017

3. Comparison

4. Conclusions

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Artikel informatie

drs. B.H.C.M. le Blanc MBA en M.C.P. de Haan LL.M.1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:

Dutch Tax Governance Code, Criminal Finances Act, tax evasion, tax avoidance, self-regulation, tax compliance

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