Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability An international journal with a European focus 2023 nr. 4

The hazards of blowing the whistle and how to protect those who speak up

Kim Loyens1

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What we (still not) know from whistleblowing research

Whistleblowers often experience retaliation. Speaking up is risky, especially in sectors with implicit rules to keep silent when colleagues behave unethically. Whistleblower protection legislation is one way to reduce these risks, but it requires whistleblowers to undergo years of judicial procedures that cannot prevent harm from being done. More efforts are needed within organizations to create speak-up cultures in which employees feel safe to voice concerns and leaders are willing to not only emphasize moral rules but also to live by them.

1. Whistleblowing as a controversial phenomenon

Whistleblowing is generally described as an important prosocial activity in which current or former employees disclose information about practices that are ‘illegal, immoral or illegitimate’2 to agencies or individuals who can take action. In many societal domain...

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Verder in dit artikel:

What we (still not) know from whistleblowing research

1. Whistleblowing as a controversial phenomenon

2. The risks of speaking up

3. What can be done to protect whistleblowers?

3.1. Whistleblowing legislation as a basic framework for protection

3.2. The role of ethical leadership in creating speak-up cultures

4. Lessons learned from whistleblowing research

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Kim Loyens1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:

organizational culture, whistleblower protection, ethical leadership

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