Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability Voorheen tijdschrift voor Compliance 2024 nr. 2

Anticipation or obsoletion: implications of emerging technologies on risk management

Patrick van Hoof and Bartheke Weerstra1

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 If an organization is not able to thrive, let alone survive, no other stated objective or lofty goal matters. You cannot offer the best coffee or media entertainment experience if your company fails. Starting point for thriving is implementing a sound business strategy. We would call this 'offense'. Appropriate management of the business risks is also essential to thriving, and, for that matter, to surviving, and should be an integrated part of the strategic considerations and operational activities. The topic of risk management we call 'defense'.2 Risk Management helps organizations to prepare for and respond to risk that the organization faces, or may face. This requires risk management to cover a very broad range of subjects. Most of these subjects need a thorough understanding, not only on the topic itself, but also on external influence and effects, the interplay within the organization, juxtaposition with other risks and opportunities, and so on. Wi...

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Verder in dit artikel:


1. Recent advances in technology and their impact

2. The nature and goal of risk management

3. The role and reality of laws and regulations. Effectiveness

3.1. Alternatives to law

4. Risk management in practice: Structure, Board attention and Types of Risk

4.1. Structure and Board attention

4.2. Types of risk

4.3. Short-term nature

5. Human traits and behaviors

6. The growing importance of digital technologies and implications for the next decade

7. Anticipating changes rather than adapting to them

7.1. Gartner's Hype Cycle of emerging technologies - help to assess time to the next disruption

8. The need for anticipation; conclusions and recommendations

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Artikel informatie

Patrick van Hoof and Bartheke Weerstra1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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