Edgar Karssing, Françoise Rost van Tonningen, Stefan Louwers, Tuğba Arik and Roderick Noordhoek1A practical example from the Netherlands 'For decades, ethics was simply equated with legal compliance. Now our view of what it takes to be a "good company" extends far beyond the boundaries of the law. Questions of ethics have come to reflect how a business impacts social, environmental, and political systems, and vice versa; a company can no longer operate solely as a self-interested, profit-maximizing black box'.[2] We endorse this statement by Alison Taylor, author of Higher Ground: How Business Can Do the Right Thing in a Turbulent World. Unfortunately, she ... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.
mr. I.M. Walrecht en J.G. Hofmans-Vogels1De compliance functie ligt onder een vergrootglas. Bijna wekelijks berichten de media over nieuwe integriteitskwesties, ongewenst gedrag en intimidatie. Niet alleen in de politiek en de entertainmentwereld. Ook in het bedrijfsleven zien we ernstige integriteitsschandalen als gevolg van incompetentie en falen aan de top. Het meest in het oog springende, recente schandaal is de examenfraude in de accountantssector, waarbij nota bene is gefraudeerd met toetsen die zijn gericht op de professionele integriteit.[2] Het is exemplarisch voor het zware weer waarin compliance[3] zich bevindt. Het ... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.
Jeroen BoogaardFrom 2025, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) will focus on tackling payment service providers and trust offices who are operating illicitly. This type of facility presents an increased risk of money laundering. Those carrying out activities without the required licence will be liable not only under administrative law but also under criminal law, DNB warns. The Dutch central bank has been battling illegally operating crypto firms for some time. Companies wishing to provide crypto services in the Netherlands are required to register with DNB under the Dutch Anti-Money Lau... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.
Arnaud Collombet, Erin McDonald, Paul Menoret-Renard and Edward Nkune1Regulatory Barriers to Cross-border Investigations With the continued rise of multinational corporations straddling the world, the increase in global compliance requirements, and the continued backdrop of multi-jurisdictional oversight, it is no surprise that there have been a number of high profile cross-border investigations hitting the headlines, including the Wirecard, Tuna Bond and Alstom matters. This article will look at some of the largest and most complex global matters and discuss whether some of the most difficult barriers preventing a successful outcome centre... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.
Casper Westerink1The global financial system plays a critical role in facilitating commerce, enabling investments, and fostering economic development. However, its vast and intricate networks are also susceptible to misuse by criminals. Over the years, cases such as the Panama Papers, the Danske Bank scandal, and the financing of terrorism through informal networks have underscored the need for robust financial oversight. Governments and international bodies have responded with a variety of regulatory frameworks aimed at enhancing transparency, among which the travel rule stands out.... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.
Yvo Amar1In response to the unprecedented sanctions against Russia and the corresponding increase in political attention to sanctions in general, the Netherlands has deemed it necessary to recently propose a new Dutch act on sanctions implementation, the Wet Internationale Sanctiemaatregelen ('Wis'). This article highlights some of the most significant changes following from the Wis that will reshape the Dutch landscape of sanctions compliance and will affect compliance officers throughout the market, but particularly those working at corporates, law firms and accounting firms. T... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.
E. Karssing1In de bedrijfsethiek is een groot aantal boeken en artikelen verschenen waarin op praktische wijze prangende vraagstukken worden behandeld en concrete aanbevelingen worden gedaan voor het bevorderen van de ethiek en integriteit van organisaties en hun medewerkers. Niet iedereen weet deze publicaties te vinden of heeft tijd ze te lezen. Daarom kijkt Edgar Karssing geregeld voor het Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability Journal in de boekenkast van de bedrijfsethiek en bespreekt hij een artikel of boek. Deze bijdragen zijn geen recensies, maar een samenvatting v... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.