Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability
An international journal with a European focus 2016 nr. 2
How to get compliance into the DNA of employees?
mr. R. Notermans
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In this issue you will be able to read about many aspects of competition law, its relation to compliance and the latest legal developments. Most codes of conduct nowadays contain a clear statement that employees must act in accordance with applicable competition laws. That sounds nice and simple. Or does it? One of the greatest challenges for compliance professionals, lawyers and consultants alike is the fact that many employees feel that competition rules are very complex and sometimes obstructive or even counterintuitive. The objective of any compliance program should be to increase awareness to such extent that employees at least know which actions to take in case they are faced with business dilemmas. In other words: how to move from engaging employees to wanting to learn, through training sessions to actual behaviour in accordance with company policies? How to get these complex legalistic rules into the daily DNA of the employees we are most concerned about? In this contribution, I try to share my pragmatic approach and lessons learned over the past 20 odd years of creating (competition law) compliance awareness for a huge variety of clients.
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Artikel informatie
- Type
- Auteurs
mr. R. Notermans
- Auteursvermelding
- Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
- Datum artikel
20 april 2016
- Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer
Gerelateerde inhoud
Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:
ethical culture, business dilemma’s
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