A reflection on the flaws of social audits
P.R. Robledo LL.M.1Artikel kopen € 79,00 excl. BTW
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Auditing companies are commercial enterprises that meet their clients' need to manage their reputation. Created in response to the criticism raised by the numerous abuses reported in the 1990s, corporate-led social responsibility systems have shown all their limitations, which can be summarised as a lack of transparency, conflict of interest, and the inconsistency of the tools set up to identify, manage and remedy violations or risks of human rights abuses. This is evidenced by the questionable amount of real improvements in working conditions at global level achieved with these initiatives. The article taps into the expertise of the Clean Clothes Campaign, which has long been raising awareness about flaws of social audit and the responsibilities of auditing companies, highlighting that social certifications are in no way a substitute for the due diligence on human and labour rights in the supply chain.
1. Introduction
When one looks at the social g...
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