Tijdschrift voor Financieel Recht 2024 nr. 12

The Prudential Implications for Banks and Investment Firms When They Hold or Trade Crypto-Assets

Mr. M. Mol-Huging en mr. drs. J.J.F. van der Meer1

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Although the prudential treatment of crypto-assets in the banking book has recently begun to take shape after the BCBS' Crypto-Asset Standard, a specific framework for crypto-asset exposures of investment firms remains absent thus far. This article examines the current prudential implications for banks and investment firms holding or trading crypto-assets and explores solutions for addressing prudential requirements for both direct and indirect exposures to crypto-assets.

1. Introduction

On 18 July 2024, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank) published a news item highlighting two new regulatory developments relevant to banks regarding their crypto-asset exposures.2 Firstly, the Capital Requirements Regulation 33 ("CRR3") introduced a transitional regime for banks' direct crypto-asset exposures entering into force on 1 January 2025. Secondly, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ("BCBS

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Introduction

2. What is the Regulatory Framework?

2.1. Defining Crypto-Assets: A Brief Overview

2.2. Defining prudential treatment

2.3. Trading book vs. banking book

2.4. Pillar 1 and Pillar 2

2.5. What are the (prudential) risks related to crypto-assets?

3. Prudential Treatment of Crypto-Assets in the Banking Book

3.1. Introduction to the Crypto-Asset Standard

3.2. Principles underlying the Crypto-Asset Standard

3.3. Grouping of the different crypto-assets

3.4. Capital Requirements for Crypto-Asset Exposures: Starting with the Most Stringent

4. CRR3: A Stopgap Solution

4.1. Interim regime

5. Remaining challenges in the Prudential Treatment of Crypto-Assets

5.1. Use the CRR3 interim regime

5.2. Applying the Crypto-Asset Standard

5.3. A best-estimate approach

6. Concluding Remarks

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Mr. M. Mol-Huging en mr. drs. J.J.F. van der Meer1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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