Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability
An international journal with a European focus 2019 nr. 4
Tax Integrity for banks: identifying customer-related aggressive tax planning?
mr. drs. Vinod Kalloe & mw. mr. Michèle van der Zande
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1. Introduction 1.1 DNB supervision on customer related tax integrity risks On 4 July 2019 the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, hereafter DNB) published the guidance on good practices related to tax integrity risks with customers of banks.1 In its role as the Dutch supervisory authority of banks operating in the Netherlands, DNB has continued to increase its focus on tax related integrity risks for banks in recent years. The relentless public and political scrutiny of tax arrangements of multinational companies and high net worth individuals has led to profound international tax changes in the context of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) project. The effects of these international developments are now gradually finding their way into the financial regulatory environment.2
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Artikel informatie
- Type
- Auteurs
mr. drs. Vinod Kalloe & mw. mr. Michèle van der Zande
- Auteursvermelding
- Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
- Datum artikel
27 augustus 2019
- Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer
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Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:
DNB SIRA, tax integrity, tax avoidance
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