Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability An international journal with a European focus 2022 nr. 3

Asset tracing and recovery in the world of virtual assets

Syed Rahman1

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The appeal and the dangers of cryptocurrency - and the correct way to manage problems.

If we consider what we have learned in recent years about the financial world, one of the key factors that has come to light is that cryptocurrency can no longer be viewed as a flash in the pan. It is here to stay. All the indications are that cryptocurrency and the associated use of blockchain are rising in popularity. It is no longer only the asset of choice for a small group of devotees that have been trumpeting its importance - and its potential value - from day one. It has come to be seen as one of the most important investment opportunities by some of the largest and most risk-averse individuals and institutions in the financial world. At the time of writing, the move to engage with cryptocurrency is attracting ever more investors, who recognise it as an asset of lasting value. Organisations, corporate entities and governments have invested heavily in crypto assets, with E...

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The appeal and the dangers of cryptocurrency - and the correct way to manage problems.

1. Planning to regain cryptoassets

1.1. Pre-Seizure Planning

1.2. Gathering of Intelligence

1.3. The Importance of Wallets

1.4. Making the Right Legal Applications

2. Seizing cryptoassets

2.1. What to do after the legal applications

2.2. Targeting the perpetrators




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Syed Rahman1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

Verder in 2022 nr.3


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 Asset tracing and recovery in the world of virtual assets

The appeal and the dangers of cryptocurrency - and the correct way to manage problems. If we consider what we have learned in recent years about the financial world, one of the key factors that has...