Tijdschrift voor Levensmiddelenrecht 2024 nr. 3

The EU Member States' Margin of Discretion in the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products

B. Kas1

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A Critical Assessment of the Case Law of the German Courts

The partial harmonisation of the placing of plant protection products on the market through the EU Plant Protection Products Regulation raises complex questions under EU law regarding the division of tasks between the Member States. In order to promote the internal market, the Regulation provides, in principle, that only one Member State will carry out an assessment of whether the conditions for authorisation are met, and that the other Member States will take over its assessment. Given different views of Member States on the level of health and environmental protection to be achieved, this system has led to conflicts. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the manufacturer of the plant protection product itself can propose which Member State should carry out the assessment, thus creating the risk of 'forum shopping' and a 'race to the bottom' to the detriment of human and animal health and the environ...

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A Critical Assessment of the Case Law of the German Courts

1. A Short Overview of the PPP Authorisation Procedure

2. The EU Case Law on the National Authorities' Margin of Discretion

3. A Critical Assessment of the German Case Law on the National Authorities' Margin of Discretion

3.1. Strict Adherence to the Assessment of the zRMS under Article 36(2) PPP Regulation?

3.2. The Requirements for Measures under Article 36(3) PPP Regulation

3.2.1. Requirements for Risk Mitigation Measures

3.2.2. Requirements for the Refusal of Authorisations

4. Conclusion

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B. Kas1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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