Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability
An international journal with a European focus 2020 nr. 3/4
Responsible data use in the financial sector, an important aspect for the valuation of companies and sustainability of business models
A.P. van Doorn LLM and P.M.L. Lamens LLM
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The data that financial sector organisations process determines part of their value. The value of data is an increasingly important factor in the valuation of companies as part of a merger or acquisition process. The same applies to any risks involved in organisations dropping the ball when processing data. Part of this is due to society’s focus on responsible data use. This makes a thorough due diligence or an assessment of data management, particularly when it comes to handling personal data, very important when valuing a company. This article describes a number of possible tools to be used when examining responsible data use. They can be helpful in determining whether the preconditions for responsible data use have been met and how this affects an organisation’s value. In chapter 1 we outline how recent changes in the sector have resulted in data now both being perceived as an asset and a risk, and what is considered responsible data use. Chapter 2 outlines the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) elements that can form part of an examination of responsible data use. And we conclude in Chapter 3 with an overview of the challenges that the GDPR elements present financial sector players with when they use data.
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Artikel informatie
- Type
- Auteurs
A.P. van Doorn LLM and P.M.L. Lamens LLM
- Auteursvermelding
- Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
- Datum artikel
14 juli 2020
- Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer
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