Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability An international journal with a European focus 2021 nr. 4

Internal investigations in a virtual world

N.C. Prater J.D en M.A.H. Spetgens LLM and CCEP-I1

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Internal investigations are one of the most complex and (often) time-sensitive aspects of a compliance officer's role.  When we are informed about possible misconduct, it is critical to act quickly.  Identifying physical evidence and interviewing witnesses enables us to objectively assess the situation.  Any delay in the investigation makes it more likely that evidence will no longer be available or that witnesses will change their story, whether through forgetfulness or to obscure the truth.  Most importantly, the impact of misconduct, whether on employees, the company, or the public, potentially continues.  Until we complete an investigation, it is difficult to address issues, propose solutions, or recommend mitigation.   

Internal investigations have generally relied on a physical presence.  Conventional wisdom has been that activities such as collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses and engaging with management is best done in person.  While a remote investigation i...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. The Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a shift in risks

1.1. Whistleblower line reporting changed

1.2. Gifts and gratuities

1.3. Fewer reports of sexual harassment

1.4. Increased opportunities for fraud, both internal and external

2. The necessity of virtual investigations

3. Challenges of virtual investigations

3.1. Navigating the Unknown

3.2. No in-person interviews

3.3. More difficult or impossible to review documents/tangible evidence

3.4. Privacy concerns

3.5. Information security

3.6. Limited ability to conduct quick follow up

3.7. Technical challenges/interruptions (real or imagined)

4. Tips for Conducting a Successful Virtual Investigation

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Artikel informatie

N.C. Prater J.D en M.A.H. Spetgens LLM and CCEP-I1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
Datum artikel
Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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Vrij gevonden op trefwoorden:

incestigations, virtual, remote

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