Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability An international journal with a European focus 2021 nr. 3

Compliance Training in the Digital Era

D. Lanzara J.D., M.A.1

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1. Introduction

This article aims to discuss whether a compliance-training program (or "CTP") can adapt to digital transformations while remaining effective and capable of meeting regulatory requirements and company expectations. In order to answer the above, this paper will explore the dichotomy between e-learnings and in-classroom trainings for compliance personnel, explain the pros and cons of digital training, and debate whether digital training can productively create technical expertise, as well as successfully generate and maintain a community of compliance professionals within the company.  


To respond to these questions, I will consider exclusively the specific characteristics of a CTP for financial institutions ("FIs"), regardless of whether the program is created by internal teams, or instead managed by an external consulting firm. Nonetheless, this consideration does not exclude that many of the topics discussed ...

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Verder in dit artikel:

1. Introduction

2. The importance of a robust compliance-training program

3. Structuring a training program: live seminars, digital trainings and e-learnings

4. How the recent health crisis accelerated the digitalization of compliance training programs

5. Digital Trainings and their efficacy in building in-house expertise

6. Building a Community of Compliance Officers: Is it still possible in the Digital Era?

7. Conclusion

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Artikel informatie

D. Lanzara J.D., M.A.1
Ik ben auteur van dit artikel
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Uniek Den Hollander publicatienummer

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